You don’t need to sell your soul for attention-Norma Gigaba

Businesswoman Norma Gigaba hopes to inspire self-confidence and worth among women. She says females often get caught up in a vicious web of society’s stereotypes.
Norma, who is also the wife of newly appointed Finance Minister Malusi Gigaba, wants women to believe in themselves and embrace their physical image.
“Dressing well has a lot more of understanding your body, accepting your body shape and skin tone and also being confident in you who are, and choosing the right size for your body shape,” she said.
Norma added that it was important for women not to compare themselves to other people.
“Once you start comparing yourself to others, you will have a low self esteem. Investing in yourself is very important, spend time in understanding you,” she said.
Norma explained that women needed to accept that some things like cellulite and stretch marks were normal and part of growing older.
“We need to accept the changes that are happening in our bodies not torturing ourselves. We must take care of ourselves and invest in us all the time,” she added.
The businesswoman also advised women to adopt a positive attitude to be the best version of yourself.