Gigi LaMayne’s new single is a hit

Hip hop princess Gigi LaMayne decided to rap on a kwaito beat to embrace the kasi girl in her and to give her fans something new.
The song is produced by Abza, who sampled late kwaito legend Makhendla’s Iminwe for Gigi’s single.
“I have always been a kwaito fan. That was the music I listened to when I was growing up.
“I am going back to my roots and doing something I am confident about.”
She told our source she used the song as a platform to address topics that are usually brushed under the carpet.
Gigi’s latest single, One Bar, details the experiences of young people ekasi.
She said she wants to make songs that tell people’s stories and believes music is the tool if it is used properly.
The rapper, born Gabriella Manney, explained that “one bar” is a slang term used to describe a person who needs to focus on their success before they run out of time.
“We talk a lot about cars, money and having fun, which paints a perfect picture.
“But we forget that young people face serious challenges like unemployment and drug abuse.
“It’s our duty to give young people hope so they are inspired to work towards a better future.”
Gigi is focusing on inspiring others.
The young rapper has opened the Gigi LaMayne Foundation, which will develop community-building activities.
She said: “I plan to spend most of my time at schools.
“People might even see me teaching but the idea behind the foundation is to give hope to future generations.“I want to empower them with knowledge so they can be the best at what they do.”