Zimbabwe First Lady Grace Mugabe In Another Scandal

According to New Zimbabwe.com, the families’ representative Innocent Dube said that at least 10 known Zanu-PF youth carried out the destructions of the temporary homes early on Wednesday.
Zimbabwe’s ruling Zanu-PF youths have reportedly raided and destroyed temporary shelter housing families who were evicted from Arnold Farm in Mazowe to pave way for First lady Grace Mugabe, who aimed at “expanding of her business empire”.
Dube said that they reported the incident at Mazowe police station but the police failed to act as they also feared being victimised.
“We have reported the case at Mazowe police station but the police have not shown interest in assisting us and they are saying that they are afraid of being victimised if they act,” Dube was quoted as saying.
A NewsDay report said that the onslaught on the villagers was in spite of a court order granting them reprieve to stay on the farm until government secured alternative land for them. The villagers said that they were regularly harassed by the Zanu-PF supporters.
“We are being exposed to this treatment every month since April when the police launched a large-scale bid to evict us and leave us homeless at the peak of the heavy rains that were experienced in the country,” an unnamed villager was quoted as saying.
Police spokesperson Charity Charamba said she had no clue about the evictions.
According to reports the High court in April ruled against the First Lady’s move to seize the farm.
The villagers had occupied the property for the past 17 years courtesy of President Robert Mugabe’s controversial land reforms.