WhatsApp messages – Skolopad offered career advancement in exchange for Se-xual acts

Skolopad’s manager Tebogo Mofokeng revealed that the local entertainer has been offered various forms of “payment” in exchange for se-xual acts.
Tebogo confirmed these reports saying: “Yes, Skolopad has been offered different forms of ‘payment’ – in order to advance her career – in exchange for s-ex. These offers have not necessary come from record bosses, but people who have a lot of money.”
“The men who are asking for these favours don’t always offer money but promise to advance her career,” he said He added, “I am not a pimp.”
In WhatsApp messages between Tebogo and one man, the man in question asked for “hot pics” in order to “promote her” and promised to “take her beyond SA.”
He also asked for “private entertainment.”
Tebogo is in on the receiving end of these messages as his contact details are listed on all Skolopad’s social media accounts. “Maybe these men think that because I am a man, I will agree to their terms. But I am appalled that this type of behaviour has become so normalised. It is horrible that women are being seen as sexual objects, and are being preyed on,” he says.
“Skolopad is promised to be taken care of if a meeting between her and the man is arranged. There have also been requests from men for private dances. Skolopad is not an exotic dancer.”
In a previous interview with The Juice Skolopad spoke about how she is struggling to find funding to get her career off the ground. Tebogo confirmed this saying that it is “difficult to get to events.”
Tebogo also revealed that Skolopad was reportedly approached by government officials to perform at events. After “more than one” performance Skolopad has still not been paid, and was not assisted in any way.