New C0ND0MS detect STDs and measure your s.e.xual skills

According to THE SUN, a British company claims the i.Con can track duration of intercourse, calories burnt, number and speed of pushes, girth measurements and different positions used per week, month or a year, total duration of sessions and average skin temperature.The ring, which comes with a one-year warrantee, is worn at the base of the condom.
l.Con, the world’s first smart condom, detects STDs. And that’s not all – the device also tracks s.e.xual performance.
It’s adjustable to fit any size pen!s and it can also be worn multiple times.
It also has integrated micro-USB port so it can be recharged. Each charge lasts for two to three hours.
Dr Elna Rudolph, s.e.xologist and clinical head of SA’s My S.e.xual Health, said if the technology works it will be great – as long as people don’t rely on the device too much.
“If the i.Con did not give them a warning, they might have the false sense of security that s.e.x was completely safe.”
The i.Con is also very expensive, she added, and she has not had any word on when the device might be available in SA.
“It has not been launched anywhere in the world and we don’t know when it will become available in SA. It might cost about R1100.”
She added, “I am a little worried about hygiene… if the condom fully covers it, it should be okay, but if it is used with more than one partner, I am worried that it could potentially spread infections.”
“It is adjustable, so it should not be too tight, in which case it could cause damage.”