Free beer for residents as beer truck overturns

People came running with crates on top of their heads, unworried about oncoming traffic.They almost caused a stampede fighting over the free booze as crates and broken bottles covered the road.
But their joy was short-lived when police arrived.Those who had not been able to lay their hands on the booze could only drool over the spilled beer.
While most were reeling from January’s realities, residents of Gugulethu Everest squatter camp near Springs were in a jolly mood.
A truck full of beer overturned and lost its load at the squatter camp yesterday.Suddenly the January blues were a thing of the past for the Ekurhuleni residents as they fought for the manna from heaven.
Skhumbuzo July (28) said the sight alone made him thirsty.“I came running, only to find the police were already here. I was hoping to grab one or two nyana.”
He said cops should have let them take the broken bottles that still had something in them.Simon Mkhondo (30) runs a small tavern and hoped to save money.“I managed to get four crates.”
Captain Johannes Ramphora of Springs Police Station said the truck overturned after it collided with a taxi, while the taxi plunged into a shop in neighbouring Bakerton Square.
A case of reckless driving was opened.