The Best S.E.X positions when your man has a BIG D!CK

There’s big, and then there’s BIG.
Mae West said, “Too much of a good thing can be wonderful.” Which can be very true. But sometimes it can just be, well, too much. If your man is packing large down below, the trick to good s.e.x is twofold: control the depth of penetration, and keep him the hell away from your cervix. Here are some ways to comfortably enjoy all his glory.
Cherry on Top
Warning: this position is not only way advanced, but involves being in that crab walk position from grade school gym class. With him in the crab walk position, stand straddling his hips, squat down to let him enter you, then lean back onto your hands so you’re in a crab walk position too, with him inside you. Yeah, it’s kind of funny seeing each other doing a naked crab walk, but you’ll both forget that immediately when you lean back and start thrusting against him.
Adapted from: Cosmo