Sangoma uses human body parts to heal people

Sangoma uses human body parts to heal people. Police investigations led them to Marine Drive in Margate where the suspect was spotted seated in a vehicle. A man was arrested for attempting to selling body parts in Margate, in KwaZulu Natal.
The police officers reportedly approached the man who was dressed in traditional clothes and requested to search the vehicle. “During the search, they discovered a bucket with a human skull, hand, torso and other body parts that were cut into small pieces.
The man confirmed to police that it was indeed human body parts and he informed police that he used these items them to heal people,” Colonel Thembeka Mbhele.
It is alleged that the suspect has been looking for buyers and approached a number of traditional healers around the Emanguzi area.
It is alleged that he identified himself as a traditional healer from Margate, Traditional healers became concerned when the man told them that he was in possession of human body parts which were on sale for as little as R4000 and they contacted the police.
Police investigations are continuing to ascertain if the suspect can be linked to other crimes in the province.
“At this stage, it is unknown as to whom the body parts belong to and a DNA analysis will confirm if the body parts belong to more than one person.
The 34-year-old suspect will be charged for the illegal possession of suspected human body parts and will appear in the Margate Magistrates Court soon,” Colonel Thembeka Mbhele added.
Source: Daily Sun