Prophet introduces annointed oranges that improves se_xual activity

Prophet Brighton Chikomo (BC) has torched a storm again claiming that he had s#x enhancing oranges which make one perform well during s#x.
During the all night prayer in Kwekwe at Old Mbizo Youth Centre, the congregants had to scramble for ‘anointed oranges’ with the aim of improving se_xual activity in their homes.
Prophet Chikomo also told the congregants that peeling off an orange would remove bad luck and restore good fortunes.
One man who had consumed the ‘anointed orange’ said he was already having s#xual desire and he could not wait to go home to enjoy conjugal rights with his wife.
The plan of salvation can be reached through recreation. The ‘anointed oranges’ boosts libido and swipes away misfortunes.”
PM: Do your oranges not promote illicit se_xual behaviour?
BC: Oranges were carrying power as I commanded them to boost the decay system in male organs and females. They are meant to restore se_xual desire.
PM: How do you ensure that people who psychologically get enticed to have se_x don’t do it with the wrong people?
BC: Like I said before, God is divine so it will be the chance for God to meet his people and provide human needs. According to the bible when God created Adam and Eve he said to them increase and multiply.
PM: Were all the congregants eating the oranges married? Pictures will show unmarried people eating them, what does this promote?
BC: People do not experience same problems but the spirit of truth is there to bring the difference. Each bite locates your specific needs. I call Jesus a specialist so my duty is to demonstrate the mysteries of heaven. You will see even kids were eating on those pictures. On those pictures you will see there is a child who was failing in school so the instruction to eat the orange was to pray for her problems. Even when the children of Israel were given Mana in the desert they were still calling it mana not bread. Dealing with spiritual matters has not been easy because it needs people to believe.
PM: Should this not have been a married couples’ prayer?
BC: Not at all, there is no democracy or any segregation on ages or marital status. The class of God involves everyone in the class. You choose your subject on the same sermon. This is a unique class. We are in the season of Easter the definition is clear it is the remembrance of death and resurrection of our Christ. I am promising to raise every dead marriage, dead businesses and dead dreams among others.
PM: Are you not trying to just become popular by courting controversy? First it was anointed honey, now oranges to boost se_xual activity?
BC: No no no no not at all, I am already popular by the way. A vision is like a loaded gun. I still carry more than what the eyes have ever seen, watch the space. When we talk of prophetic healing we don’t need scientists – mathematics does not work. This is deeper understanding from above. I tell you this I am not going to stop these miracles.
PM: The bible says performing miracles will be a sign of false prophets in the last days, what is your view on this?
BC: I found this as a wrong philosophy from some scholars who have failed to understand the gift of prophecy especially if one is limited to one gift or not a prophet at all. He or she can say we have passed the era of prophets. Joel 2:28 and Acts 2 says in the last days I will pour my spirit upon every flesh, sons and daughters shall prophecy. In the new testament 1 Corinthians 14:29 it reads two or three prophets should speak and the others should weigh carefully what is said. I challenge one who thinks I am false to come and deliver me. I am based in Norton.
PM: Why are miracles so important in the discharge of your duties?
BC: Miracles are the nature of God himself. He comes to people in different forms. I beg to differ with people who regard miracles as satanic. My words to sceptics is that they should stop destroying other people’s faith with the tendency of criticising prophets. Commander is there to command things to happen in what I call instant miracles; the unrecorded and unseen; John 20:30.
“I was already feeling tired and I was no longer having se_x with my wife but when I ate the ‘anointed orange’ I am already feeling ho_rny.
“I can’t wait to go home and have se_x; honestly the man of God has helped me to restore pride and joy in my life.
“I have been invited to come here by my friend to attend this crusade as I was losing hope on life.”
Another man also hailed the prophet as he claimed ‘anointed oranges’ helped his erection problem and he could urinate properly.
“I have been having problems with erection but when I ate the ‘anointed orange’ I felt a difference. I was having problems urinating but I am happy everything is now flowing.”
Some women could not hide their elation that they were going to enjoy se_x with their husbands.
“In most cases problems emanate when you are not enjoying se_x in marriage.
“I am happy we will enjoy the conjugal rights because the prophet has changed oranges into something sweet,” said the woman.
However, H-Metro probed Prophet Chikomo on the controversies surrounding this miracle and other activities that he is involved in.
He speaks to H-Metro’s PRAISE MASVOSVA (PM) in the following question and answer . . .
PM: Anointed oranges?
BC: Anointed oranges is just a miracle just like what Jesus did at Cana when He changed water into wine. I am just seconding what the Christ did; it requires spiritual eyes to understand these miracles.
When peeling off the orange skin it means you will be taking away your problems. Your problems will be disappearing and I just want you to submit to the Lord.
If I quote the bible, Genesis 1 verse 28 says be fruitful and increase in number, fill the earth and subdue it. So by the ‘anointed oranges’ it supports the plan of salvation of God himself.