My married brother and I are taking turns to have se_x with the same woman

I would like to thank you for this platform. I have a big problem please help me.
My brother is married with children and for quite some time he cheated on his wife. This small house (girlfriend) knew that my brother was married but she was not deterred.
My brother’s wife got wind of this and went mad. Mukoma had to lie that this girl was going out with me. Maiguru wanted to beat her up but she could not, vakaziva kuti takavavhara and she was so unhappy. I asked the girlfriend if she knew whether my brother was married or not?
Her response was that she did not know, but surprisingly even after this near fight with maiguru she continued to sleep with mukoma. My brother put me in a tight corner by making me pretend to be this girl’s boyfriend. It was tough and tempting. I ended up sleeping with this girl too, behind my brother’s back. In short she was bedding the two of us.
The problem is this girl is now pregnant, she has eloped to our house and my brother maintained his lie ndikanakurirwa nyoka mhenyu. Our family does not want to accept this girl because they all know about her affair with my brother.
Maiguru is baying for her blood and I am stuck in the middle. The child she is caring may not even be mine. I do not want to marry this woman she is not my girl and what kind of a wife will she make? I used to be the go-between when she was dating my brother, now she wants to be my wife.
No I cannot do that. She is the reason why I no longer see eye to eye na maiguru. When my brother comes over to our parents’ home where I am staying with this girl the situation is just tense and miserable apawo vabereki vake vari kupenga. Please help how do I come out of this