DJ Zinhle gives advice to women about forgiveness and love

DJ Zinhle participated in the popular #AskAMan trend on Tuesday and offered free advice for “young women” about forgiveness, love and understanding your self worth.
The house DJ has had a fair amount of love and relationship drama. The daily segment of the show called #AskAMan sees people advise the caller on how to solve the problem he/she presents.
When a caller phoned into Metro FM’s The Front Row to ask for advise about taking back her partner who had cheated, Zinhle gave her 2 cents worth.
Zinhle wrote If women gave themselves half the amount of love & forgiveness they give to others, they’ll start understanding their worth. #AskAMan
Zinhle has been mum on the recent debacle surrounding her bae Brendon Naidoo. After appearing in the Alexandra Magistrate’s Court on Monday, it was decided that Brendon would remain in custody until his next court appearance on April 18.