The Western Cape department of social development, says she is receiving counselling following her nightmare after she was offered R5.
A 6-year-old girl was allegedly raped by her family’s landlord and being offered R5 by her attacker.
The 53-year-old suspect, from Bonteheuwel about 15km east from the Cape Town CBD, is expected in the Bishop Lavis Magistrate’s Court on Thursday after his arrest last week. He made his first appearance in the dock on Monday.
“The alleged rape occurred in the man’s house, where the child and her mother live in a back-yard dwelling,” Social Development MEC Albert Fritz said in a statement.
“The mother reported the matter to the police, after she found the child and suspect in the bathroom within the main [house]. The mother must be commended for having seemingly immediately launched an aggressive search for her child when she noticed the child was taking too long to return from an errand.”
Fritz said this move may have “averted the child having been harmed any further”.
He appealed to police to conduct a thorough investigation, including allegations that the man tried to bribe the little girl with R5 to “either be sexually assaulted or not disclose the incident”.
“It would seem once again that this incident reveals how the suspects in either incidents of child murder or in this case alleged sexual abuse are persons known and perhaps even trusted by the victim,” Fritz said.
“I continue to call on parents and communities to be extra vigilant of their children. No government can replace the role of a vigilant, responsible and engaged parent in the household. Parents are the first and most important line of defence against child abuse and murders.”
Social workers will provide counselling to the little girl and “ongoing psycho-social support” to the family, Fritz confirmed.