Woman Beaten for Parking Space

A Fist Fight over a parking spot on Saturday left Lineo Ditsebe nursing two black eyes.
However, today she faces criminal charges as she and her attacker opened cases against each other!
The 25-year-old said she and her sister-in-law were looking for a parking space at a filling station on Beyers Naude Drive in Randpark Ridge, Johannesburg.
They saw a group of women standing in the only available parking space and hooted at them to move out of the way.

The women ignored them and when Lineo squeezed into the parking space, things turned ugly.
“The boyfriend of one of the women came to me and started screaming at me. A friend of the man opened my car door and apologised for his behaviour and I got out. However, the angry man then got even more aggressive.
“The man was shouting at me that he would kill me. He accused me of nearly killing his girlfriend.”
Lineo said she was very scared, so she used pepper spray on the man and ran into the convenience store to ask them to call the police. “The man followed me and started kicking and punching me. I was in so much pain.”
Lineo said onlookers tried to stop the man but he continued to hit her. Eventually his friends pulled him away and the cops arrived.
Lineo and the man were taken to Honeydew Police Station. He was arrested and later released on bail.
However, Lineo was horrified when she was also arrested on Sunday after he opened a case against her!
Police spokesman Captain Bulan Muthan said two cases of assault were opened.