The 65-year-old from MADALA Willie Mulungonde Palm Ridge, Ekurhuleni, got into a heated argument with residents on Wednesday morning after they accused him of lying.
Madala Willie said his gogo, mum, son and nephew were among the family members buried on the piece of land, but community members said he was lying and the graves did not belong to his relatives. Yesterday Daily Sun reported that the madala was very upset over the situation as he wanted to be buried with his family one day.
He told the SunTeam his family members were haunting him as the situation had made their spirits restless: “They ask me why I allow people to contaminate their resting place,” he complained.
An upset Willie said residents used the site as a dumping ground and even threw the bodies of dead dogs there. He vowed to build a wall around the graves to protect his family’s dignity.
While the SunTeam was speaking to Willie, his neighbour, Nozipho Sithole, showed up and started arguing with him,
She screamed at him: “This is not your graveyard! None of these people are even related to you!”She told Daily Sun Willie’s claims were all false.
“These graves have been here for a very long time but they do not belong to him. Nobody knows who they belong to,” she said.
More community members were soon also on the scene and screaming at Willie.
One woman shouted: “If these are his relatives, he should take the bones and bury them somewhere else so we can use this land!”