Grace Mugabe wants to be vice president

News are circulating on social media that the first lady Grace Mugabe wants to be a vice president.
Zimbabwe is not a Mugabe dynasty and it would be a big mistake for the Zimbabweans to let the Mugabe family make our beloved country their dynasty
We once learnt about Mongul and Shongai dynasties of the ancient times ( Anno domini and BC periods) and we have learnt about the demerits of the dynasties.
These are some of the negative things which are caused by dynasties ” dynasties last for a long time because they are passed on from generation to generation, its leaders are heartless, dictators, killers and power hungry leaders who manipulate people with spreading elements of propaganda to keep their positions safe”
By allowing ZANU to elect Grace as a vice President is same as promoting a dynasty in a country which has a constitution and it is also bringing the country’s name into disrepute. Grace started long back to manipulate people by contributing towards the expulsion of Joice Mujuru who was the vice president of the country.
She failed to get the position ,then she forced her self to lead Zanu womens league after removing Oupa Muchinguri .Constitutional, it is also a breach of the country’s constitution which says that there should be too vice presidents
Mugabe family and ZANU women’s league must know that they do not own Zimbabwe.Zimbabwe is for everyone one who live in it irregardless of colour, tribe and ideological differences.
Zimbabweans must unite and dis-allow a Mugabe dynasty.
Sikhumbuzo Moyo is a ZAPU ardent member.