President Zuma HITS a BRICK WALL

President Zuma’s plea for branches to adopt proposals that will rid the party of slate politics could be headed for a rejection.
In closing the ANC national policy conference yesterday, Zuma appealed to delegates to adopt proposals that wouldn’t discard losing candidates but rather embrace them.
He said that, going to December, the losing candidate should automatically become the deputy president.
And in an event of three candidates, the one with the second most votes should be deputy president.
Zuma said the party would have to change its constitution to achieve this so that it can end slate politics.
But his proposals drew disapproval from some of the delegates. And when he realised there was disapproval from the delegates, he changed tactics.
“Even if we don’t do it (adopt proposals) in this conference, we will have to change it in the next conference because we can’t continue like this,” said Zuma.
The proposal, which was put on the table by KZN, was discussed thoroughly in the commissions, Zuma said.
He said delegates should take it to branches and ensure it was adopted at the December national elective conference.
He said factionalism was so entrenched in the ANC the party looked like two organisations.
He was prepared to go from province to province in the branches to convince them to adopt the proposals.
There were also discussions on the establishment of a monitoring unit at Luthuli House that would hold people