Cash-in-transit Robbers Run Into The Bushes After Being Ambushed By The Police

Cash-in-transit Robbers lost it when they thought they had successfully robbed and get away with the money but only for them to be caught by the police without even going far.
More than four heists occurred in the last month and police are on these robbers’ tracks. Unfortunately for four of these robbers’ they were not so successful on July 14 when the guards of G4S fought back.
The driver of the truck alleged he was on duty and stopped at Total garage in Mandela Drive and when his colleague came back with the cash he spotted an unknown man with a firearm in his hands grabbing his colleague and demanding the cash.
He tried to fight back but the suspect threw him on the ground, it was then when the driver of the G4S van started to reverse in the hope that he could bump the armed robber and save his colleague.
The suspect fired a gunshot into the air and took the canister of cash from the guard lying on the floor. Like always these guards first observe before they get trigger happy and suddenly saw the suspect with the canister rushing off in a Silver Polo Vivo.