Thabi leaves Generations The legacy after steamy and raunchy sex scenes

The s3xy actress Motsoaledi Setumo who plays the role of the s3xy Thabi Cele is leaving the soapie for good.
After causing a commotion with her steamy and raunchy s3x scenes with on screen lover Smanga, the beauty is ready to put down the lingerie and walk away.
After weeks of hoping to avenge her dead brother Abe Cele from his supposed killer Tau Mogale, the actress did more than just that. She stole the heart of one of the soapies most allegeable bachelors Smanga.
The actress opened up about her role about the popular soapie on The Fresh Breakfast on Metro FM.
In the Interview, she said she was always ready for every single scene and gave it her best at all times. She also said she understood where the viewers came from when they complained but also added that they also need to understand that it’s all just role play.
‘’I understand where they’re coming from especially in the black community, I too was raised by a strong black woman and can relate’’ she said.
Mo also commented that she was never afraid of viewers commenting negatively about her body because physical insecurities are one thing she doesn’t have, she is perfectly fine with her body and all its flaws.
The actress announced on the show that she has shot her last few scenes and will be appearing for the last time this coming Friday.